This post was originally meant to be about my recent New York Pilates exploits, about going to Barre Classes expecting to exercise like a swan and instead doing butt busting plies to loud aerobics music resembling a blindfolded duck! It was going to focus on meeting Carey Regan at and the wonderful insight she gave me into her experience of Pilates, 'Its just Pilates' she said to me 'do less and have fun!' I nodded my head like one of the dogs you see in the windows of cars, I threw my arms around as if Makarova herself was dancing inside my head. I worked through the exercises and I screeched as Carey pushed and pulled me until I simply gave up resisting and eventually found my way. In truth I knew very little about Carey before meeting her, other than the fact that she came highly recommended from people I respect and that, quite honestly, was enough.
However, this week as the Pilates World lost Romana Kryzanowska and Julian Littleford I am not only saddened by the passing of these individuals but deeply saddened by some of the bickering and squabbling I have observed on social media Forums. I did not know either of these people personally I can however, appreciate the loss to the family and friends left behind. As such I do not understand some of the posts I have witnessed amongst so called 'Pilates professionals'. From what I can observe Romana along with several other 'Elders' helped Pilates become the success it is today, a legacy reaching far and wide across the globe. a life well lived and champagne often appreciated. In the case of Julian who I watched in interview with Alan Herdman online, I observed a generous, humorous man, passionate about Pilates and his family, I had hoped to cross his path at some point, sadly not to be. His death at 53 was untimely and to many truly devastating, the death of my own father at 45 taught me from an early age that even the apparently young, fit and healthy sometimes get taken too soon. Death is a time for appropriate reverence not playground bitching.
And so as I have read the references to Pilates in terms of a 'Family', 'Industry', 'Business' or 'Corporation' the thing I observe least is 'Community'. Perhaps my position is naïve, where there are people there will always be differences of perspective and opinion, where there are lawsuits there will always be one side arguing for and one side arguing against. But I fear, caught in the middle are those just wanting to enjoy, benefit from and appreciate Pilates. No wonder teachers become frustrated and despondent when they see those they admire openly venting their spleens. To that end perhaps there is just reason to feel aggrieved and angry over events or history but I truly believe not all platforms and times are appropriate, but then that's just my 'rose tinted' opinion. To my own end and continued development I will continue to train with as many people as I can from as many different schools of thought as possible, because as a wise teacher once said 'Its just Pilates, move more and have fun' and perhaps the most poignant memory of my trip to NYC will be of visiting the African Memorial where I found the symbol below....and yes I am having it tattooed for all to see. For me it say's it all.
Keep up the Pilates passion,
Suzy x