Sunday, 26 January 2014

We are just star stuff....

“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplation's of the Cosmos stir us -- there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.” 
― Carl SaganCosmos

Every now and then as a Pilates teacher I am stopped in my tracks by someone, sometimes a friend, a client or someone I teach but more often than not by a stranger. This past week I've been struck by the suicide of a young girl I didn't even know, I've watched via social media as a young woman has had beautiful tributes paid which I suspect she would barely have recognized as even possible had she lived to read them. There is no age to die, but 19 is too young to believe something as precious as life is not worth living. In the same week I was contacted by someone equally distressed and needing help, her last hope being Pilates. It's at these moments I realize sometimes people just find me for whatever reason and that sometimes even a voice in the dark can provide a vague glimmer of hope.

There are no training courses for these scenarios, no codes of conduct or manifestos that will ever dictate how one should be in those moments, we just have to trust that the universe has put us there for a purpose and do our best to navigate the sometimes unsteady path. After all how does someone know their limits or set their boundaries until they've found themselves pushed painfully hard up against them? I'm reminded of my own darker times, of standing on underground platforms close enough to the edge to make others feel uncomfortable, thinking to myself that one more step would bring peace and silence to deafening sorrow whilst disregarding the endless noise and pain it might leave behind. I've sat up with friends providing suicide watch to hearts too broken to allow their lungs to breathe. I've taught on a  Psychiatric ward when a client tried to end her life (I was one of two people she would allow to know) When she survived, her priorities were cigarettes, chocolate Brazil nuts and Pilates- In that order. These responsibilities are huge but when you've stepped back from the edge and chosen life yourself then I believe you also choose to try and help others value theirs.

I've recently found myself  helping old clients find better Pilates, clients who have moved away and become disillusioned with the quality of teaching they are finding and frustrated by the lack of interest in Pilates some of these teachers demonstrate. And whilst there are some truly amazing teachers in the furthest reaches of the UK and beyond, a small town should not lead to a small attitude in a subject as broad and interesting as Pilates. With that in mind I set myself a challenge, to finally start meeting in person the 'strangers' that have been inspiring me starting next month in Leeds! And that's the point, social media and technology shouldn't mean increasing isolation and separation of ideas and emotions within society, it should be used to broaden our friendships, experiences and knowledge, in every aspect of our lives. So as a new week starts, listen out for the stranger at the petrol station that tells you you have pretty eyes, reread the words someone wrote about how much your teaching means to them and if it doesn't sink in read it again, pay attention to the voice on the end of the phone that just sighed with relief simply because you gave them options. In spite of the long days, the emotional challenges always remember we really are the lucky ones after all as Confucius said when you 'choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life' 
So whatever the week ahead brings I'm thankful for the challenge and the people I meet and I'm grateful that I stepped back from the edge all those years ago deciding to ride the train instead, after all when all's said and done 'we are all just star stuff' and here to shine a path for each other through even the darkest nights, and to those already journeying through the night sky I wish you peace.
with love,