“Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald
It has been a whirlwind 5 months since I started my Classical bridging course with http://www.pilatesnation.co.uk/ .Did I expect the long hours, frustrated practice and shear exhaustion?, yes. Did I expect to be inspired by some rare individuals on the way, in truth it hadn't really occurred to be to think about it. Life has a habit of running away with me, carrying me along and rarely looking back. That said I'm often struck by both the beauty and ugliness of human beings in often disproportionate balance, i get disillusioned with humanity frequently, and then the curve ball, the moment you realise what you do and why you do it is about so much more than where the hands or feet are supposed to be placed. The fact is sometimes I've barely been able to crawl through life, let alone stand on either my feet or hands.
And so this blog is a thank you, to the fellow trainees I'm training along side. I'm in awe as I watch them learning, questioning and wading their way through into becoming the extraordinary teachers they are growing into. It is my hope that through humor, study and play that we will continue to learn alongside each other, no matter what they assume I know through my previous years of teaching, In truth I haven't actually taken the learner plates off yet.
The other unexpected and truly joyous part of the training has been helping some other amazing individuals as they take their final exams, and by help I simply mean by being a body, encouraging exploration and ultimately calming nerves I hope. As we meander through the maze of exercises, bodies and any number of possible configurations of mind, body connections together. I realise that this work really is a Sanctuary for many of us (you know who are for describing it so eloquently), its a space where we can have fun, heal wounds, learn to let go and learn just how strong we are. So the more I read and hear angry, bitter and quite honestly rude comments from those working in the very community I love and respect, the less I think these people have actually got the work and everything Pilates has to offer. Its not that I'm against debate or passionate opinion but truthfully how many of us got it all right from the beginning?, how many of us haven't made errors in judgement? or simply had to made decisions based on paying our mortgage (and yes that means selling out on your principles at times) So as I continue through to my final weekend of training and into the real learning phase. I hope I continue to reserve my judgement's and continue to respect the paths of others. And in the meantime I look forward to my Monday duet with a friend, teacher and new found Pilates partner in crime, a woman that is extending her body, mind and spirit into the most inspiring places, even if she doesn't see it, both in life and Pilates, and in the meantime should she need a hand to steady her along the way I will always be just within reaching distance. After all if we cant support each others journeys when the road gets a little unsteady and downright treacherous at times then whats the point?
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Sometimes all you can do is reflect and keep moving forward.... |
Have a beautiful week all,