Friday, 11 April 2014

Wild women do....

'Wild women do. And they don't regret it.' 

It took me a long time to understand these seemingly irreverent lyrics sang by Natalie Cole in 1990, I was 17, full of fear and about to discover the world did not revolve around my adolescent dramas. I would become fiercely independent, never be seen to cry, never look back, being wild I determined would be for other girls.

Over this past month I've been fortunate to cross paths with some more extraordinary women all navigating the trials and tribulations of running small businesses. So this blog is dedicated to them because in each of their they're unique ways they represent the potential in each of us even when we sometimes fail to see it in ourselves. 
Women who start up their own businesses are always passionate and usually a little crazy in my experience. Why else would we work the never enough hours, talk the talk to anyone who will listen and keep going with so little funding, affordable childcare (OK, in my case dog and cat care), accessible professional development and often simple support at home. Those of us blessed with friends or parents there when we simply couldn't fit anything else in, offering encouragement, walking the dog or picking up the dry cleaning, will probably never know how much they've helped keep us afloat when drowning seemed inevitable. We often come to owning these businesses  more by default than by design. An initial passion, an interest, an illness or other life changing event , in some cases all of the above can often be the beginning of careers that others couldn't even begin to contemplate. Sometimes the path simply picks you and not the other way round. Some women understandably choose to listen to the fears, doubts and obstacles in their heads and walk away from opportunities and challenges , others just turn wild and never look back.

Sometimes realizing you've gone wild and possibly a bit feral can be a bit unnerving and so it was a delight to meet Gloria, Lara and Toral recently at Be:Fit. I'm not suggesting any of these women are remotely wild or feral like me, but passionate about what they do?... most definitely.

Firstly Toral, owner of whose passion and interest in keeping ridiculously busy people healthy and energized with fresh, home cooked food (literally) was infectious, and fabulous to meet her wonderful mum too. The lovely Lara whose designs at just make you wish you had half her creative talent, more importantly however the clothes are awesome to workout in, a case of style and substance. For the first time my clients are realizing I actually have legs (I'm usually a strictly baggy sweat pants kind of girl) even my teacher is seeing them in a whole new light, who knew I could actually turn out my legs that much and who knew they were that long! 
The charming Gloria at is changing the lives of women after Cancer one workshop, spa day, retreat at a time proving that recovery can be a time for appreciating just how extraordinary the body is at healing given just a little positive support, guidance and love. So the truth is these women inspire me to remain wild, challenging and unpredictable in my future adventures and if people want to talk about risk assessment, concept strategies or discuss focus groups I think I might just take my newly unleashed mesh covered thighs and skip merrily along, maybe even singing as I go.....

Wild women do and they don't regret it
Wild women show what they're goin' through
Wild women do what you think they'll never
What you only dream about wild women do

It seems when you love what you do and have an unstoppable passion for it, running a business is a lot like being in love. Unpredictable, compelling, complicated, never guaranteed to last and exhausting but always rewarding in ways you never expect and never regret. Well at least it is for the wild ones who aren't 17 any more.

Loving GymLuxe even when I have passed out after teaching!

Pilates love to All....
Suzy x

Saturday, 5 April 2014

I'm a Mosquito....

“If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”

― Anita Roddick

Did you ever truly consider the impact Pilates has on our lives? If your'e a teacher, not only on your life but those of your students and clients?. If your the student or client then the impact on your teachers life?
I exhibited last weekend at a women's fitness exhibition, I was there to promote my Pilates Retreats, but, as those who know me best know, I'm not big on self promotion, however, there I was, the only Pilates Exhibitor on site in a sea of 12.000 (mainly) women and the odd very fit man.

Over the three days and having spoken to almost 400 people, myself, my mum and a friend explained, discussed and guided people through their Pilates questions and learnt about just where Pilates figured into their lives. Interestingly only one person asked me who I trained with, some wanted to know how to find a teacher, some were surprised to know the System was named after a 'Real' man. For the most part however Pilates was and is having the most extraordinary impact on their lives. Many are doing what is described as Pre Pilates, Clinical or Fitness Pilates, very few were doing Studio Pilates with access to the full system yet most were happy and feeling the benefits in ways they had not only hoped but also in ways they hadn't expected.

And so when I consider the ripple effect of one man's vision I'm left slightly in awe of what Pilates teachers far and wide are currently achieving, both in classes and the studio. In reality we can work as hard as we want but if a client doesn't pick up the baton and run with it then true change doesn't occur. The magic for me is that clearly the baton of physical and mental empowerment is being handed beautifully from teacher to client but also from client back to teacher. Quite simply the more we inspire the more inspired we should become better teachers. So it occurs to me that just as there is room for all skill levels and abilities in the clients we teach there is room for all types of teachers. The most important thing is that the right client finds the right teacher, fall's in Love with the Pilates Method and never looks back.

As for the exhibition, it saddened me that Pilates was not represented at an event that was about women, health and fitness. With so many Pilates training providers with much bigger marketing budgets than me (i.e they have one!) I was sorry not to see one there helping share the Method I'm so passionate about. And so I decided to be a Mosquito in a sea of 'Power plate', 'Extreme Body Sculpt' and 'Super Modal workouts' Needless to say my Retreat promotion was somewhat side tracked. I did however get to meet some amazing people all busy being Mosquito's in their own rights including and and was even gifted some fabulous gloves and toe socks by .More on these guys later as they deserve a blog all of their own for being such amazing people to know.

In the meantime I'd better get on with promoting my Pilates Retreats,, possibly using sign language since I've lost the ability to speak after talking so much, alternatively I might leave it to my administrator since she can always find something more to say, not to mention a fit man to say it to!

Happy Pilates Weekend All!
