Friday, 3 October 2014

Sleeping Lions hiding in the Loft....

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh

Words fascinate me, grammar and spelling less so but words and the power they contain should be given more thought, attention and respect. Its not just language but actual words, spoken or written they can change everything about everything.

It is said only 20% of how we communicate information is through our words, the rest is written in our facial expressions, our tone of voice, the speed and intonation we use, our body language and so many other things that are barely tangible to the average individual. As teachers we rely on words and language to communicate instructions, ideas and theories in an effort to ultimately create movement. Many teachers use too many words, many too few, many are careless and some even swear (guilty as charged) but how many of us consider the resonance of our words with not only our clients but each other?

Whilst attending a Yoga class last week (stop frowning some of you reading this!), the teacher said something that really struck me, 'Our bodies are designed, and able to fall.....more importantly they are also designed to get up'. It was such a simple statement but how often do we get caught up with the word falling and hear and interpret the word as failing?
Lets be clear, I know nothing about Yoga but I like participating it because I know nothing, I like to move without the chatter in my head getting in the way, I like to go too far and loose my balance, I've realized I actually like to fall sometimes. For me those moments shine the light on the experiences where I find balance and feel my feet. I listened as the next teacher talked more than she moved. A class designed to restore and heal (Seriously did I need my heart and chest opened right now?!) The words used in this class were quiet, calming and affirming and it occurred to me that I was surrounded by 19 adults that really just needed to be somewhere peaceful (including me), they needed to be given permission to slow down and rest their minds as well as their bodies. They needed to be sleeping lions.

After my second week working at I've been reflecting back on working in a studio and the intense joy it brings me. As each new client and class participant has been introduced to me the language of Pilates has taken flight in my spirit, partly because of the teachers around me (finally I'm not alone on the job all the time) but finally getting to use the Method in all its Technicolor glory. I'm sure I'm making lots of mistakes, giggling too much and getting my words all wrong but I'm seeing change in the clients before me which is beyond inspiring. Who would have thought being pushed off a cliff would result in ever expanding wing expansion, although I will happily and with respectful love name every graze, bruise and personal meltdown Kathi since the formidable and fabulous +KathiRossNash was the one who pushed me off the cliff and into this warm albeit turbulent current of air. Of course there will be days when I cry in the supermarket because self doubt, fear and anxiety will be the loudest words in my head telling me I'm not good enough, there will be days that even my favorite grey vest to teach in wont offer me the reassurance it usually does . So if you are reading this having only experienced the wonders of the Mat, find a way to experience the Method in its entirety, it might be a challenge but the rewards will be beyond anything you might expect. I followed a path for 12 years believing I was challenging myself, I worked hard and kept going forward, I never allowed myself the time to fall for fear others would think I was failing. I disguised every bruise, every hurt and every scratch, however deep the wound went. This last year has been a series of falls and flights. The journey started with +BrookeSiler +PeterFiasca and +KathiRossNash in Valencia 2013 and ended up with a fairy called Tinkerbelle in 2014 (its a long story which requires Champagne and luxury nuts before I will share it) the meantime I will continue to follow the wisdom of a Bear that liked honey a little too much and get there eventually, oh and then head off to catch a flight to Cyprus to teach Pilates in the sunshine....

Pilates passion and love,
