Friday, 2 January 2015

Defying Gravity....

'Something has changed with in.
 Something is not the same.....'

2015 has arrived and I wander how many people are already berating themselves because their resolutions and good intentions were broken before the clock hit 00.01 on January 1st. Mine were easy, I gave up giving things up, now that I can stick to! I spent New Years eve surrounded by my four paw family under a blanket watching the 100 best Musicals (as voted by a highly dubious public apparently), Not even a glass of bubbles but lots of show tunes, jazz hands and OMG West Side Story should have scored higher!. Ok so not all that Rock and Roll but New Year can be a reflective time for some with the promise of the New year ahead being both exciting, scary but with the promise of unlimited potential. That said Grease should not have been number 1!

So as I've prepared to return to work I hit the Yoga Studio this week. For those of you rolling your eyes I am fully aware Yoga is not Pilates. I'm also aware I know very little about it, I am very challenged by it, I don't know the names of the exercises and my body wont do most of whats asked, and that I'm aching in places I haven't ached this much for in a long time. I've been pushed, pulled, encouraged and delighted to move again without over analysing myself, a whole different dance to discover and I've loved most of it (I'm not great with vocalising and feeling like I'm in a scene from The Walking Dead) I have no desire to incorporate what I've experienced into my Pilates work, except perhaps some of the lessons I've learnt about myself. One particular Italian Teacher reminded me very much of Joseph Pilates himself as I would have imagined him to be, dynamic, passionate, strict and a Maestro of Movement in very short shorts, when he asked us to think of our spines defying gravity I finally breathed, I'm not sure he realised he was tapping into my Musical theatre roots (Wicked anyone?!) or my Pilates spirit but I loved the description and the idea. From here on in my spine and my life will be defying gravity, as the extraordinarily talented  +IdinaMenzel  put it 'I'm through accepting limits, cause someone says they're so'

Which brings me to the heart of this piece, its a New Year thank you to an exceptional man married to an exceptional Pilates teacher. They've been together over 30 years and have a beautiful family. Just one fly in the sticky ointment, he is living with Cancer. I say living because this amazing man has taught me a great deal in the brief time I've been part of his life. It was a privilege to be part of their last minute wedding vow renewals last May when his body threw a curve ball unexpectedly. It was lovely to see him at my friends 50th party last month, as ever the life and soul and we heard his heartfelt message to us loud and clear.
We all have a sell by date, life sometimes forces some of us to become more aware of dates than others so just in case my time is called before this amazing man and his ability to defy gravity, I thought he should know that he has changed my life, changed the life of those I love the most and I owe him a debt of enormous gratitude. I wander at his love of life, his talent, his ability to write, to speak, to paint and the devoted love he has for his wife and their children. He also knows a soul mate when he see's it. He is afterall an expert in the subject.

So to all of those who are living, fighting and loving into the year ahead with curveballs. Change the rules, make up the lyrics, write a new script, go ice skating and drink hot chocolate even though you promised to give up caffeine, sugar, milk, calories,  fun?! for 2015....we all have the ability to defy gravity so just find your wings and spread them wide....

Love, light and passion for 2015,
Suzy x