Thursday, 3 December 2015

Pilates style and Christmas ideas for the Pilates lover

December has arrived and finally I can now embrace the Christmas spirit and let my inner sparkle loose. Like many teachers I will be working right up to the wire before taking time out for family, friends and a chance to volunteer over the Holiday season. If like me you are time poor I’ve put some Pilates Christmas gift ideas together just in case you are still looking for inspiration. I will only recommend what I’ve tried and tested, I’ve had no freebies, no incentives other than great products from fantastic small businesses. Santa if your listening please put some legwarmers in my stocking…

Pilates style…

Take a look at the wonderful clothing line at I was fortunate enough to discover this line of clothing at a fitness exhibition and loved their look. I’m not really a Lycra, crop top sort of girl, my dancer self still needs layers and ease of movement to add on and take off as I warm up and cool down, both when I work out and when I teach. It does not get better than this and the quality has withstood the rigors of teaching full time which is no small

Eat well, be well…

If its time to reconsider your approach to eating start with run by the inspirational Toral. Her food, her workshops, her passion will make you reassess the way you look at food and the way you can choose to look after yourself. This is not about denying yourself but nourishing yourself. Invest in a healthier you for 2016.

A healthy heart…

Consider buying a gift that helps others. I will be volunteering for but they have an online shop where you can purchase things for the animal lovers in your circle. There is also The fantastic thing about this site is that you can find things which will personally appeal to your loved ones. A blanket for a chilly granny anyone?IMG_2415

Massage away the working week.

As a qualified Reflexologist I cannot say enough how important Massage therapy and taking time to heal the body is. I go to my local salon for a chance to slow down, a family run business rather than a large chain has the added bonus of making me feel part of the community. Wherever you are most Salons offer vouchers, so if you haven’t done it yet why not pop in and step out a more sparkly version of yourself whilst picking up something for a friend.


The fountain of Knowledge.


For those truly passionate about Pilates consider ordering

The Red Thread: The Integrated System and Variations of Pilates – The Mat : Kathryn Ross Nash. 


This book is a true gift for any Pilates enthusiast, think of it more as a reference book than a ‘How to’ book as its full of experience, knowledge and fun, alternatively you could pick up a copy of Fix your feet using the Pilates Method (also Kathryn Ross-Nash). Its an easy and affordable way to improve the practice of anyone that loves Pilates and will gain some serious Brownie points for Christmas..

Time out and Tune in on a Pilates Retreat.

Why not think about gifting a package of Pilates classes, 1-1’s or even a Pilates Retreat for 2016 We run Pilates Retreats and Pilates breaks in Italy and Cyprus and will happily put a Christmas package together. We might be biased but we believe our Pilates Holidays really do provide you with an opportunity to put the greatest investment in yourself you can. Over a four day weekend or six day break you will experience intensive Pilates, stunning views and healthy food with a little dose of indulgence. After all Pilates is about balance not extreme living.What better way than to start the New Year looking forward to a Pilates break!IMG_2151

So that’s some of my Christmas Pilates ideas…Thank you for reading and of course feel free to let me know about products you like and use, we love discovering other small businesses to support and advocate

Let the sparkle begin….

Suzy Mitchell



The post Pilates style and Christmas ideas for the Pilates lover appeared first on Seraphina Pilates Retreats and Holidays.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Pilates for life….Pilates for dogs


A dogs life….

I’ve been blessed to have dogs in my life for a long as I can remember. I’ve always loved large dogs the best, always rescues and rarely the dog I thought I wanted but always the one I was meant to have and the one I needed to learn the most from.

Oscar (pictured left) is my oldest and he is reaching his end days. Sometimes working with bodies and watching bodies can be as much a curse as a gift, the smallest shift of movement patterns that would go unseen by others are immediate to me. I see, I feel and I try to help.

I knew Oscar’s issues were neural and not muscular, the sudden mal co ordination, his seeming ambivalence to something that was clearly slowing him down and debilitating his everyday adventures. I followed my Pilates professionalism and instinct and had a Vet look at him. My darkest fears were realized, there’s nothing they can do but at least there is no pain. As I’ve mentioned before I don’t adhere to the term weakness when I’m working, there are merely strengths to be worked on. I’ve worked with enough clients with terminal cancer to know and understand my limitations but this is a member of my family. And it hurts not to be able to ‘do something’.

I’ve been contacted by a wonderful Pilates teacher offering help with Osteopathy, +AlisonSalmond you cant know how grateful I was for your offer of help and positive attitude and a wonderful example of social media bringing people together. This weekend we brought him to the country, yesterday we walked in the torrential rain just because he loves it so, he always loved mud the best, today he stopped, he didn’t want to go on, its the first time he’s ever done that, and I heard the crack of my heart as my partner gently walked him home whilst I continued with my youngest pups eager to challenge giant pigs and play Russian roulette with donkeys who’ve been there, done that and kicked the tush of an over exuberant dog.

Just as I have done many times before I put one step in front of the other and I breathed, I watched the river, previously a gentle stream racing forward, taking everything with it not strong enough to withstand its powerful force. I tried to get my biggest boy to find a calmer presence amongst some very patient ponies whilst I considered my options for my oldest and now weakest. When we arrived back Oscar was waiting, guarding, watching and very much present, his spirit is vital, his body the only thing that is failing. And so here I am in my moment being forced to take one day at a time, having been reminded gently by those that care that even lying in front of the fire can be enough sometimes.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, even if I deep down I do, my Pilates training has taught me all I can do is my very best in life, with energy, with positivity and with a passion for life but just sometimes I wish I didn’t see the changes, didn’t feel the subtleties, didn’t notice the river rushing forward because sometimes you are forced to wander where the previous nine years went. So tonight I will love, tonight I will let tomorrow find itself and I will let my Old man sleep by the fire, knowing that however much we think we as humans can change things, the river will always move forward. I am a Pilates teacher but tonight I am a broken hearted one being reminded that letting go is as important as holding tight.

With love to All the Pilates community



The post Pilates for life….Pilates for dogs appeared first on Seraphina Pilates Retreats and Holidays.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Just One Step in Front of the Other, Imprinting Footprints through Pilates

We buried a friend last Saturday, we said goodbye to a kind, loving man I wish I had known longer. Once again the sands of time so frequently governed by Cancer had run their time too soon. As is so often the case at funerals you learn so much more about the person you knew. This man was a teacher, not a Pilates teacher but a school teacher who has left so many footprints in Children’s lives that it’s not even possible to perceive of this man’s presence not changing lives for generations to come.

When we choose to teach as a profession, whether it may be in a University or in a Pilates class, we leave footprints. Not only the lives of our clients, but of our loved ones, our children, our friends and our colleagues. Everything we advocate sends a ripple, a resonance which relies on trust to propel it forward onto greater things. Passion, knowledge and experience are only worth having if you have the humility to share them respectfully, graciously and with integrity. It is a choice where we as professionals sit in a profession that is increasingly being sold out to profit, ego and point scoring. I have never said I was anything more (or less than) a Pilates class teacher, just like my rescue hounds I am an indeterminable mixture of schooling and Pedigree. But I do love what I do, I love many of the people I am fortunate to work and train along side and I do believe the heart of this work should be protected fiercely. I have seen many judged on their passion, mistakenly accused of arrogance, imperialistic attitudes and Bullying. Since when did having an opinion make someone a Bully?, that easy over political correctness just  makes light of what can be a very significant problem within the Teaching profession. Teaching is tough because learning can be tough. If we are not learning we are not truly teaching from the heart but from what someone else tells us is so, without question. When we are lucky enough to find the right teachers in our lives, it’s our job to treasure them, question them, challenge them and to respect them unequivocally, even when their opinion differs from ours. Just as we take care of our clients, professionally, carefully and with integrity these qualities should surely be Industry standard.
So whether you are fortunate to be learning from a friend living with cancer, his extraordinary wife and children. Whether you are blessed enough to have friends, clients or colleagues that share their Pilates and life lessons honestly and openly. Whether you are blessed enough to have the most amazing Mentors and teachers steering you through storms, both professional and personal. Focus your energy of being THAT kind of teacher. We owe it to ourselves like I owe it to my Pilates class students. Imprint your footprints through life with passion, with knowledge, with humility, with learning with laughter and be kind to yourself. In the words of my friend just ‘be the blessing you want to be in others lives’.


Pilates class


To absent friends.
May your journey be guided by love.
Looking forward to the next Pilates class.

The post Just One Step in Front of the Other, Imprinting Footprints through Pilates appeared first on Seraphina Pilates Retreats and Holidays.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Just one step in front of the other....

We buried a friend last Saturday, we said goodbye to a kind, loving man I wish I had known longer. Once again the sands of time so frequently governed by Cancer had run their time too soon. As is so often the case at funerals you learn so much more about the person you knew. This man was a teacher, not a Pilates teacher but a school teacher who has left so many footprints in Children's lives that its not even possible to perceive of this mans presence not changing lives for generations to come.

When we choose to teach as a profession, regardless of the subject. We leave footprints. Not only the lives of our clients, but of our loved ones, our children, our friends and our colleagues. Everything we advocate sends a ripple, a resonance which relies on trust to propel it forward onto greater things. Passion, knowledge and experience are only worth having if you have the humility to share them respectfully, graciously and with integrity. It is a choice where we as professionals sit in a profession that is increasingly being sold out to profit, ego and point scoring. I have never said I was anything more (or less than) a Pilates teacher, just like my rescue hounds I am an indeterminable mixture of schooling and Pedigree. But I do love what I do, I love many of the people I am fortunate to work and train along side and I do believe the heart of this work should be protected fiercely. I have seen many judged on their passion, mistakenly accused of arrogance, imperialistic attitudes and Bullying. Since when did having an opinion make someone a Bully?, that easy over political correctness just  makes light of what can be a very significant problem within the Teaching profession. Teaching is tough because learning can be tough, if we are not learning we are not truly teaching from the heart but from what someone else tells us is so, without question. When we are lucky enough to find the right teachers in our lives, its our job to treasure them, question them, challenge them and to respect them unequivocally, even when their opinion differs from ours. Just as we take care of our clients, professionally, carefully and with integrity these qualities should surely be Industry standard.

So whether you are fortunate to be learning from a friend living with cancer, his extraordinary wife and children. Whether you are blessed enough to have friends, clients or colleagues that share their Pilates and life lessons honestly and openly. Whether you are blessed enough to have the most amazing Mentors and teachers steering you through storms, both professional and personal. Focus your energy of being THAT kind of teacher. We owe it to ourselves, imprint your footprints through life with passion, with knowledge, with humility, with learning with laughter and be kind to yourself. In the words of my friend just 'be the blessing you want to be in others lives'.

To absent friends.
May your journey be guided by love.


Monday, 25 May 2015

The road less traveled.....

The road less traveled....

A friend recently asked me why I hadn't written in a while, I paused.
 Apart from the sudden realization that what I write is actually read by people I found myself reflecting on why almost six months had elapsed since I had last put pen to paper. The truth is the last few months have been a long road which I found myself wandering whether or not I was at the beginning or the end of. I was also fearful of being judged by my friends, my family and my peers.

Pilates is my passion but after my divorce, relocating back to my flat, Losing a third of my income overnight thanks to the closure of a Studio I ran classes from (property development clearly more important than community health and well being), starting at as a studio Instructor and finally appreciating the Method I loved, whilst being overwhelmed all at once. I was also breaking in a new rescue pup to the family and navigating a Breast Cancer scare (all thankfully clear). Did I mention I'm also trying to buy a house in the country at a time when no one has conversations anymore (come back Mr Bank Manager, all is forgiven).
A website still not live which has meant no promotion for my Retreats.
An income cut has meant ceasing 1-1 sessions with my teachers and cutting back on classes I can take, including training. This fact in itself has left me feeling inadequate and lacking, I hear teachers saying time and time again how you must find the money, endure the sacrifices and do what is needed. Not nearly as easy in reality as the opinion is so readily given.
Some storms are just too important not to experience...

 The truth is I have needed the time to rebuild my life, learn from my mistakes, teach what I know and forgive myself for not being Superwoman or knowing more, at least temporarily. Don't get me wrong I'm in awe of the Teachers that can work, train, run families, relationships, friendships, blog, tweet, Instagram and still find time to remember to order the dog food but for now I'm lacking. Lacking in money, sleep, hours in the day and confidence. For 20 years I've  had an unyielding work ethic in whatever I've done, Its cost me friendships, family time and a marriage, I used working as a way to avoid other areas in my life that I lacked experience, patience or skill in. If I was below average in everything else emotionally  I could at least aspire to be the hardest working, most dedicated and most reliable student or employee.

Six months ago that changed
I stopped, 

Sometimes we are given a second chance, sometimes the universe gives us one last chance to take a different road and I took it. Suffice to say I am blessed with Love in my life and blessed to have someone holding my hand as we find our often bare feet on new terrain. Its not just us now, there are children, parents, hounds and cats. There's a new home, beautifully old, romantic and in all likelihood held up with optimism, ivy and moss alone. But sometimes life presents the opportunity and all you can do is hold tight, trust what's important and have faith in what you feel in your deepest soul.

So really when you way up whats been lacking against what I'm going to gain, the last six months finds perspective. I've learned who my friends are, who my Pilates family really are, who loves me even when  I cant be Superwoman. So as life starts to settle and I gradually find my way back to my Pilates practice more intensively I will have gratitude for the last six months and all its challenges, and not anger towards myself.  In September I will be back in NYC with the people I love. I will play, explore and see the city through new eyes before heading back to NJ and  to my Pilates Family and I will be surrounded  by inspiration. I will come back a better teacher than I arrived and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity.

The truth is just when I thought life couldn't get busier. It has. My life is messy, unpredictable, painful, loving and breathtaking in equal measure but with a little optimism and a paintbrush I'm hoping the door to a little cottage in the Forest will be the first of many new adventures, after all, the end of the fairy tale really is just the beginning of the story......

Pilates Love,

Friday, 2 January 2015

Defying Gravity....

'Something has changed with in.
 Something is not the same.....'

2015 has arrived and I wander how many people are already berating themselves because their resolutions and good intentions were broken before the clock hit 00.01 on January 1st. Mine were easy, I gave up giving things up, now that I can stick to! I spent New Years eve surrounded by my four paw family under a blanket watching the 100 best Musicals (as voted by a highly dubious public apparently), Not even a glass of bubbles but lots of show tunes, jazz hands and OMG West Side Story should have scored higher!. Ok so not all that Rock and Roll but New Year can be a reflective time for some with the promise of the New year ahead being both exciting, scary but with the promise of unlimited potential. That said Grease should not have been number 1!

So as I've prepared to return to work I hit the Yoga Studio this week. For those of you rolling your eyes I am fully aware Yoga is not Pilates. I'm also aware I know very little about it, I am very challenged by it, I don't know the names of the exercises and my body wont do most of whats asked, and that I'm aching in places I haven't ached this much for in a long time. I've been pushed, pulled, encouraged and delighted to move again without over analysing myself, a whole different dance to discover and I've loved most of it (I'm not great with vocalising and feeling like I'm in a scene from The Walking Dead) I have no desire to incorporate what I've experienced into my Pilates work, except perhaps some of the lessons I've learnt about myself. One particular Italian Teacher reminded me very much of Joseph Pilates himself as I would have imagined him to be, dynamic, passionate, strict and a Maestro of Movement in very short shorts, when he asked us to think of our spines defying gravity I finally breathed, I'm not sure he realised he was tapping into my Musical theatre roots (Wicked anyone?!) or my Pilates spirit but I loved the description and the idea. From here on in my spine and my life will be defying gravity, as the extraordinarily talented  +IdinaMenzel  put it 'I'm through accepting limits, cause someone says they're so'

Which brings me to the heart of this piece, its a New Year thank you to an exceptional man married to an exceptional Pilates teacher. They've been together over 30 years and have a beautiful family. Just one fly in the sticky ointment, he is living with Cancer. I say living because this amazing man has taught me a great deal in the brief time I've been part of his life. It was a privilege to be part of their last minute wedding vow renewals last May when his body threw a curve ball unexpectedly. It was lovely to see him at my friends 50th party last month, as ever the life and soul and we heard his heartfelt message to us loud and clear.
We all have a sell by date, life sometimes forces some of us to become more aware of dates than others so just in case my time is called before this amazing man and his ability to defy gravity, I thought he should know that he has changed my life, changed the life of those I love the most and I owe him a debt of enormous gratitude. I wander at his love of life, his talent, his ability to write, to speak, to paint and the devoted love he has for his wife and their children. He also knows a soul mate when he see's it. He is afterall an expert in the subject.

So to all of those who are living, fighting and loving into the year ahead with curveballs. Change the rules, make up the lyrics, write a new script, go ice skating and drink hot chocolate even though you promised to give up caffeine, sugar, milk, calories,  fun?! for 2015....we all have the ability to defy gravity so just find your wings and spread them wide....

Love, light and passion for 2015,
Suzy x